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Turtles snorkeling tulum

Turtles snorkeling tulum
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Snorkeling with turtles in Akumal, Tulum, Mexico sea turtles can be seen very close to the beach. Amazing experience of connection with Nature.

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Cave Diving Documentary BBC

Cave Diving Documentary BBC

Titled “Cave diving reveals secret world – Earth – The Power of the Planet” This amazing BBC documentary covers caves and diving in them.
Quote from source:
“Dr Iain Stewart cave dives in a cenote to reveal a spectaucular hidden world as he tells the story of the colossal meteor strike 65 million years ago that created them and thereby triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. Stunning clip taken from ground-breaking BBC series. “

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Best Underwater Compact Cameras 2015

This 2015 Underwater photography has seen a lot of new amazing products hit the market.

Here we share one of the most concrete list of compact underwater cameras. We are preparing a full report on these cameras that will be published soon.

From high performance high end cameras to compact affordable budget cameras, 2015 provided very nice cameras in all ranges. Check our top 5 and please, share your opinion bellow:

  • Recsea Sony RX100 II – Winner: Best image quality & incredible focus speed
  • Sony RX100 III – the best for video, great ambient light performance.
  • Canon G7X or G16 in a Recsea or Nauticam Housing – the best choice for macro photograhy, great controls are a highlight.
  •  Olympus TG-3 + Olympus Housing: Best budget choice
  •  Canon S110 / S120 in a Recsea Housing: Great value, versatility

What do you think? Vote your favorite model

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Cenote Photos: What is beneath the Mangrove?

Beneath the Mangrove Diving Photos 1 Tulum Mexico 12

The Mangrove grows over the cenotes of Tulum. The roots of this strong plant feed the trees that give the shade to the souls that walk around Tulum. This series of photos attempt to introduce you to one of the protagonists of the cenotes of Yucatan; the Mangrove. The landscapes found underneath its roots bring all kinds of magnificent feelings, among them veneration and respect towards nature and the environment.

Mexico, Tulum

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Discover Tulum: Diving, Snorkeling and more

fish tulum reef photo

[wpml_translate lang=’en’]Description[/wpml_translate][wpml_translate lang=’es’]Descripción [/wpml_translate]:

Explore Tulum with this photo session made with arm extension. We took this photos during eco tours involving scuba diving, snorkeling in Tulum’s cenotes and coral reef. bike ride, walk in the jungle, kayaking, diving and snorkeling: certainly there is no better way to explore Tulum.

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Location[/wpml_translate][wpml_translate lang=’es’]Ubicación[/wpml_translate]:

Mexico, Tulum