Best Underwater Compact Cameras 2015

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Best Underwater Compact Cameras 2015

This 2015 Underwater photography has seen a lot of new amazing products hit the market.

Here we share one of the most concrete list of compact underwater cameras. We are preparing a full report on these cameras that will be published soon.

From high performance high end cameras to compact affordable budget cameras, 2015 provided very nice cameras in all ranges. Check our top 5 and please, share your opinion bellow:

  • Recsea Sony RX100 II – Winner: Best image quality & incredible focus speed
  • Sony RX100 III – the best for video, great ambient light performance.
  • Canon G7X or G16 in a Recsea or Nauticam Housing – the best choice for macro photograhy, great controls are a highlight.
  •  Olympus TG-3 + Olympus Housing: Best budget choice
  •  Canon S110 / S120 in a Recsea Housing: Great value, versatility

What do you think? Vote your favorite model

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