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Cenote Calavera

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Located only 5 Km from the sea, Cenote Calavera its a very special diving site due its very visible hallocline found at a depht of 17 mts.
The hallocline is the meeting point between the freshh and the salt wáter. They meet but they dot mix due the differences of desities and lack of strong currents.
You can witness this dive in Tulum.

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Cave Diving Documentary BBC

Cave Diving Documentary BBC

Titled “Cave diving reveals secret world – Earth – The Power of the Planet” This amazing BBC documentary covers caves and diving in them.
Quote from source:
“Dr Iain Stewart cave dives in a cenote to reveal a spectaucular hidden world as he tells the story of the colossal meteor strike 65 million years ago that created them and thereby triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. Stunning clip taken from ground-breaking BBC series. “