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Tha mangrove blood

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This photos where taken 3 days after a big rain in Casa cenote. This ecosystem is surrounden by red mangrove, a species distributed in estuarine ecosystems throughout the tropics.
It releases a substnace called tanic acid, which dilutes in the water of costal cenotes and is eventually released to the reef.
In this dive you can see this natural phenomenon which give many color tones at diferent dephts.

SJCAM 4000
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Cenote Calavera

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Located only 5 Km from the sea, Cenote Calavera its a very special diving site due its very visible hallocline found at a depht of 17 mts.
The hallocline is the meeting point between the freshh and the salt wáter. They meet but they dot mix due the differences of desities and lack of strong currents.
You can witness this dive in Tulum.

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Each cenote is very unique in color, flora, fauna, light, texture, history, design, salinity and transparency. Above or below you can catch the beauty of these fresh water rivers from any angle and the results are astounding.

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Sian Ka’an is a dream waiting to discover…

sunset in tulum
  • [formidable id=12]
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In the language of the Mayan peoples who once inhabited this region, Sian Ka’an means ‘Origin of the Sky’. Located on the east coast of the Yucatán peninsula, this biosphere reserve contains tropical forests, mangroves and marshes, as well as a large marine section intersected by a barrier reef. It provides a habitat for a remarkably rich flora and a fauna comprising more than 300 species of birds, as well as a large number of the region’s characteristic terrestrial vertebrates, which cohabit in the diverse environment formed by its complex hydrological system. It is also home to the Crocodylus acutus / American Crocodile and
Crocodylus moreletii / Morelet’s Crocodile, both on the IUCN Redlist, and they are both found in the lagoons and mangrove around the property. Check it out…..

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cenote Nic te ha


Cenote Nicteha is small open cenote with a beautifull underwater garden and fairly deep caves to dive in and take nice shots form beneath.
This gardens generally grow in shallow open and fresh water cenotes. and they contain a beautifull variety of colorful gupis, tiger mojarras and fresh water turtles

canon g 11
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Flying through cenote The pit

IMG_8231 modified

Cenote the Pit its located about 20 km north of Tulum town. Its a deep sinkwhole of more than a 100 mts (300 feet) deep. The clarity of the water allows sun beams to go as far as 35 mts without being refracted.
Floating through it gives a strong sensation of floating in space or lacking gravity for a while.
The stalactites hanging from it are the celarest evidence of its dryer stages, down to even 70 mtes less than its current stage.

Canon G11
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cenote pirañas


Cenote pirañas is a semi closes cenote located just 3 km from Tulum. This photos where take on a sunny day (obviously). Yo can esasily appreciate the way light refracts much less in fresh clear water such as this

This photos where taken with a Nikon coolpix
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Cenote Photos: What is beneath the Mangrove?

Beneath the Mangrove Diving Photos 1 Tulum Mexico 12

The Mangrove grows over the cenotes of Tulum. The roots of this strong plant feed the trees that give the shade to the souls that walk around Tulum. This series of photos attempt to introduce you to one of the protagonists of the cenotes of Yucatan; the Mangrove. The landscapes found underneath its roots bring all kinds of magnificent feelings, among them veneration and respect towards nature and the environment.

Mexico, Tulum

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Discover Tulum: Diving, Snorkeling and more

fish tulum reef photo

[wpml_translate lang=’en’]Description[/wpml_translate][wpml_translate lang=’es’]Descripción [/wpml_translate]:

Explore Tulum with this photo session made with arm extension. We took this photos during eco tours involving scuba diving, snorkeling in Tulum’s cenotes and coral reef. bike ride, walk in the jungle, kayaking, diving and snorkeling: certainly there is no better way to explore Tulum.

[wpml_translate lang=’en’]

Location[/wpml_translate][wpml_translate lang=’es’]Ubicación[/wpml_translate]:

Mexico, Tulum