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Shark vs Snake Video

Shark vs Snake Video
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When a shark and a snake find eachother under the water…what can you see? Check this video filmed under the water for further details of this amazing natural moment. Filmed in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia for research purposes.

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Sian Ka’an is a dream waiting to discover…

sunset in tulum
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In the language of the Mayan peoples who once inhabited this region, Sian Ka’an means ‘Origin of the Sky’. Located on the east coast of the Yucatán peninsula, this biosphere reserve contains tropical forests, mangroves and marshes, as well as a large marine section intersected by a barrier reef. It provides a habitat for a remarkably rich flora and a fauna comprising more than 300 species of birds, as well as a large number of the region’s characteristic terrestrial vertebrates, which cohabit in the diverse environment formed by its complex hydrological system. It is also home to the Crocodylus acutus / American Crocodile and
Crocodylus moreletii / Morelet’s Crocodile, both on the IUCN Redlist, and they are both found in the lagoons and mangrove around the property. Check it out…..
