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Cuevitas dive site Tulum

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This photos were taken during a reef dive in Tulum at a site called “cuevitas”. We saw out in the deistance the head of it and then we had a gentle experience until it went to the surface for another breath.

gor pro hero 3 +
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Fish watching in Cozumel

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This photos were taken in the great wall of Santa Rosa, in Cozumel. It was an incredible experience similar to a slide show due the slight current through the wall.
Cozumel represents a successful story of conservation. A national park that hasn’t been fished for more than 30 years. This can be highly noticed in the amount of different species and their sizes.

Sj CAM 4000
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Turtles snorkeling tulum

Turtles snorkeling tulum
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Snorkeling with turtles in Akumal, Tulum, Mexico sea turtles can be seen very close to the beach. Amazing experience of connection with Nature.
