Cenote Calavera, the dive site of the hallocline

Difficulty: moderate
Maximum depth: 15 meters
Features: halocline, bizarre rock formations
Located only 5 km from the sea, Cenote Calavera is a very special dive site due in part to its very distinct halocline at a depth of 12 meters. A halocline is a meeting point between fresh and salt water. The two waters meet but do not mix due to different densities. The halocline may appear to the diver first as the surface of water beneath the water that the diver is already in. Once mixed, the fresh and salt waters take on a blurry appearance, like that of old glass. The effect is truly beautiful, especially when combined with the emerald light that penetrates this complex cenote.
This cenote is also known for its pure white rock and otherworldly appearance. Its winding passages convey a mysterious mood, and bizarre formations await around each corner. The result is a truly unique cenote that is sure to impress those looking for adventure and mystery.
List of the Cenotes near Tulum
All of these cenotes are part of our guided eco tours both for snorkeling and scuba diving